As a leading web design firm and IT provider, we always advise our clients to back up any sensitive data they need to run their companies. This applies especially strongly to websites, copies of which should be made regularly and stored on a secure and remote server.
Unfortunately, many business owners and executives don’t have someone reminding them to back up their websites. And even when they do, they don’t always follow this good piece of advice.
With that in mind, today we want to take a look at what can happen when you don’t back up your website regularly. Here are just a few of the possible consequences…
Your Content May Permanently Disappear
If your website isn’t being backed up, then it’s entirely possible that the only layout, content, and collected information might live on a hosting server somewhere. Although it doesn’t happen often, these servers can crash or suffer hardware failures. And, they can be targets for hackers.
Should any of these events come to occur, you could lose access to everything that has been written and designed for your company. That could set your marketing plan back years.
Sales and Leads Might Grind to a Halt
Once your website goes down without a backup copy ready to use, you won’t just be facing the pain and expense of rebuilding your web presence from the ground up. That’s because you’ll probably miss out on lots of sales and leads in the meantime.
Imagine what would happen to your bottom line if your most powerful source of new revenue suddenly dried up. Why risk that when it’s so easy to put backup copies of your website in place?
Your Credibility Takes a Big Hit
Obviously, a website that’s offline can’t generate online sales, leads, or walk-in visits for your business. However, it’s worth pointing out that a missing website sends a bad message to potential customers or colleagues. How likely would you be to contact the company if you visited them online and found nothing but an error message or a “coming soon” page?
Even worse, with no existing website in place it could take weeks to get back online. That means a lot of lost sales and some business opportunities you might not ever get back.
You Could Lose Access to Email
In some cases, a hosting plan might be tied in together with an email server. In other words, if one disappears, or has to be reinstalled, you could lose access to the other.
What this really means in the real world is that an issue with your website could lead to an unexpected email outage. For that reason, a good IT provider will ensure your email messages are being backed up along with any content on your business website.
You Start Your Next Web Design from Scratch
As we’ve already mentioned, losing your website without any backups can mean wiping out all the pages, blog posts, and updates you’ve worked to create over the years. That creates headaches because it means your next web designer has to start from nothing, while Google may ignore you because your website appears to be broken.
There’s never a good time to begin from nothing online, particularly when you’ve already devoted time and money to building up your online footprint. Don’t throw away the progress you’ve made simply because you don’t have backup copies of your website in place.
Want to learn more about protecting your website and data? Contact Pope’s Brand Media today a get a free Web Care Analysis